
Friday, 17 June 2022

LIGHT VS DARKNESS Part 1 introduction to the information war General Introduction to the spiritual enlightenment Manuals

LIGHT VS DARKNESS Part 1 introduction to the information war General Introduction to the spiritual enlightenment Manuals   Basic outline This is part of a series essays on four spiritual themes published as beta drafts and to be polished overtime as time permits   The First theme is   Light vs. Darkness Truth vs. Lies   The second theme is   Love vs. Hate Hope vs Fear   The third theme is   The eternal battle for leadership strategy for those entering the conflict (or similar) The fourth theme is   Wealth vs poverty giving vs grasping      The origin of the collections   Originally my desire was to investigate the topic of the first theme Light vs. Darkness Truth vs. Lies where I sought to blend what I understood to be cardinal elements of spirituality with my slowly growing understanding of the science of communication and information. The aim was to come up with a spiritually integrated approach to speech and the use of words. The approach I have developed is centred on spiritual ideals such as truth vs. lies, and benefit vs. injury. In the future I hope to encode this approach and its strategies in a novel or series of fictional works; which I have begun drafting. I naturally spent some time exploring the foundational ideas that drove my desire to only use words in righteous ways these related essays I have collected under the second themes heading love vs hate hope vs fear.   In human affairs the love hope and light approach/side battles for dominance over the side of hate fear and lies side and both battle for rationality within their own ranks there has to be order among a group of thieves (Satan cannot be divided against himself or he would be at an end as Christ put it) so there are internal battles within groups and external against other groups for influence over the larger publics intellectual and emotional affairs. This naturally led me on to begin to explore the topic of the third series The eternal battle for leadership, Strategy for those entering the conflict which will be an ongoing study through life though I share some of my initial thoughts this section will definitely expand over time. The content of these first three manuals have already been published in one volume in unpolished form several times in the form of a kindle book And its later versions under other titles, available but not promoted yet due to the seemingly everlasting reworking I published earlier as realised it might help someone but I still wanted to add more and polish them up.   Anyone eager to get the big picture with less polish can purchase these. And an even earlier draft outline can be found free on     I have decided there is enough value to publish them even as I polish them up. Previously the chapters/essays have been ordered more or less as follows titles and contents will be tweaked as I sense a better flow and  the while I polish the list may continue to grow.   The First collection to be published under the general heading of   Light vs. Darkness Truth vs. Lies   Ch. 1 Introduction to the information war and the need to fight Ch. 2 The three states of mind Ch. 3 The mind as a piece of computational equipment Ch. 4 The nature of man and success through wisdom Ch. 5 Positive and negative emotion, the anatomy of a good decision, the pyramid of values, philosophy of mind, Ch. 6 the 6 types of information and the 6 step process of decision (needs list, definition of cash, things that make god happy branding in depth) Ch. 7 branding in depth   The second collection under the heading of     Love vs. Hate Hope vs Fear   Ch. 9 The 3 Dimensions Of Human Activity Social Physical Intellectual And Man’s Three Dimensions for Interaction with Them Ch. 10 A Light Lords Call To Arms Mind Expanding Questions Check List Ch. 11 Summary of Part 1 Introduction to the Information War   The third collection under the heading of   The eternal battle for leadership Strategy for those entering the conflict: Ch. 12 Types of competition methods (for leadership) Ch13 Strategies for those in a leadership challenge Ch14 the monumental informational and emotional fights of history   The fourth collection under the heading of   Wealth vs poverty Giving vs Grasping  If you enjoy my efforts you can financially support them on patreon   LIGHT VS DARKNESS Part 1 introduction to the information war     Introduction to essay series LIGHT vs. DARKNESS: TRUTH VS LIES   In this essay series I hope to uncover for you the nature of good and bad communication activities, and then show what communication activities will counteract the degrading, ground losing, communication activities. I also hope to provide some of the information needed to elevate your emotional state to that of a warring good communicator ready and willing to tip the scales against a bad communicator in a social influence competition when its necessary.   We’ve all experienced leadership; some good some bad, primarily if we are young, in our parenting and schooling. The dominance of bad leadership may have left you with a negative opinion of this role or a lack of understanding of both what good leadership looks like and how to take the lead, in a group and self-enhancing manner. While this series of essays is not supposed to be the end I hope it may be a considerable step along the road to you reclaiming your right to spiritual leadership, both as a follower demanding better leadership and as a practitioner getting better at leading yourself and others; increasing your ability to make your time on earth valuable, for yourself, and for others when you find yourself able to in a group setting.   Masters of Enlightenment (a term I am using to define the ideal and fictional and historically great/near ideal practitioners) are an eternal order of benefit giving communicators, watched over and supported by the universes creator consciousness , the most enlightened mind: who warns humanity against heeding the reversed opposing advice of the masters of darkness an  unethical order of trickster communicators, spiritually overseen and supported by the dark lord who has many names and titles over the world and is described in the bible by Jesus as “aliar.” John 8:44   Good vs. Evil is in large part a battle of truth vs lies. I would like to help todays would be Masters of enlightenment, to expand and develop proficiency and so have dedicated myself to honing this manual to help advance the training of future masters of the light.   Coming into harmony with truth is the essence of: Spirituality, the science of harmony with god/ life /the universe at its most fundamental or the science of success.   The aim of this series of essays is to help equip those who want to be ethical communicators - better champions of truth, and to provide an introduction and introductory training course for these would be Masters of Enlightenment, helping them to become able to courageously win victories for the truth and push back the boundaries of darkness in the areas that matter/most for them, and their allies around them. By doing this I hope to help energise a modern Masters of the Light movement that will help to build this generation’s champions of truth. If through their activities some like Galileo leave a strong outpost of truth that shines down its benefit into a future generation, serving as an example of beneficial leadership via enlightenment to others I will have been of some enduring benefit in this epic spiritual battle that runs or rages throughout history's millennial ages and is equal to or supersedes in importance level the dogma battles of established religions.   Iin these essays I seek to Outline ing my theory and principles with clarity. Provide ng some homework exercises to aid you in applying the principles in real life. And encapsulate principles and theory in stories and illustrations to aid memory and understanding.           Disclaimer   Men = men and women unless otherwise indicated. For Bible references: Luke 16:13 refers to Book of Luke, chapter 16, and verse 13.   In this text I use bible references because it is through the bible that I discovered the spiritual concepts such as unconditional love, but to understand that to mix compassion with the political sciences enhances its usefulness to self-interested groups does not need the Christian faith; nor is it only religious people who are able to deploy compassionate strategies through their politics, compassionate political principles and their application are a universal phenomenon. In some areas and times and I think especially as we move to several millennia since most of the major religions prophets gave their utterances, sometimes the non-religious philosophers are actually better able to channel a humane and compassionate spirit for their age than the clerics, who may get bogged down in the interpretation of the ancient utterances which though relevant and fresh at the time may not be the cutting edge of compassionate thinking today though doubtless some principles remain relevant if they can be properly extracted balanced against each other and reapplied to modern situations. From experience I realise this is no easy thing to do and even in the time immediately following their earthly ministry let alone several thousand years later there was controversy amongst their followers, most prophets were the thought modernisers of their times as the mind of god lives in the present time not the past. Most clerics do not attempt to change the political landscape as did their founding fathers. Self-belief was high in the founding fathers who had to believe they had grasped the ancient principles and could engage in an incisive reapplication and expansion of them to current situations which were now so far removed as to require a refounding of the ancient intellectual platform.   Contents LIGHT VS DARKNESS: TRUTH VS LIES Booklet 1 introduction to the information war Introduction to the spiritual enlightenment Manuals Introduction to essay series LIGHT vs. DARKNESS: TRUTH VS LIES Disclaimer Booklet 1 introduction to the information war Ch. 1 Introduction to the Need to Fight the Information War Ch. 3 A Warning to My Younger Self Don’t Withhold Your Voice Because “For Want of A Word Paradise Was Lost” Ch4 Abused In Paradise the 4 Types of Abuse Ch. 5 Fights with Evil Are Sometimes Big Information Battles Ch. 6 Some Questions To Ask Ch. 7:1 The Wisdom of Nations Ch. 7:2 The Spiral Of Losses Of The Coerced Ch. 7: 3 Intellectual Degradation Ch. 7:4 The Pursuit Of Biological Satisfaction Ch. 7:5 Preparedness to Suffer Allows Sovereignty Ch. 7:6 Motivational Disablement of Coercive Forces Ch. 8 The 3 Dimensions Of Human Activity Social Physical Intellectual And Man’s Three Dimensions for Interaction with Them Ch. 9 A Light Lords Call To Arms Mind Expanding Questions Check List Ch. 10 Summary of Part 1 Introduction to the Information War         Ch. 1 Introduction to the Need to Fight the Information War   Your Paradise may be lost; but Paradise is the Divinity’s desire toward man; and so Paradise can be regained in your life and the life of others; through Perfect use of information; in your information wars Or it’s near proximity.   Adam would have been grateful to have understood the absolute necessity to speak up when he faced the words of the Dark Lord undermining his place in Eden. Utilizers of the Ancient Power of Darkness still persist, they engage in creating emotional confusion, by disadvantageous mental rewiring or Deception about truth using lies and half-truths; wreaking havoc on the lives of those who do not know that they must, and how to effectively resist and, fight the confusion with truth, and also the lives of those the confusion affects.   The Ancient War of Enlightenment vs. Deception or “Light vs. Darkness” is still on-going. The battleground is the human mind. Many souls slip into darkness or confusion via deception on some level every day. I myself and members of my family were deceived & confused so have and continue to suffer in many ways as a consequence.   In this storm of deception I was forced to forge philosophical tools to try to defend and equip myself, which I share here with others who might find themselves in a similar situation enabling you to oppose defensively and offensively, the information war that rages against us all. In this short volume I aim to share what I have learnt about the logical flows of human thought. My hope is that this will enable you to more speedily lay the philosophical and psychological foundations within your soul, which will enable you to act in a manner that has a harmonious effect, on the “finely timed” and “multi-contributor” choreography of information, that creates social or physical high quality functionality. which can only be created maintained and defended by understanding how entities possessed of evil or caring spirits will interact with you, and those who influence you, in their sinister or benign attempt to sway your mind and emotions … your spirituality. This knowledge should automatically create an understanding of what is an appropriate response when dealing with these different personalities to maintain; your intellectual, emotional social and physical robustness in the face of threat and so achieve the maintenance or restoration of your cherished equilibrium in that area of your life/part of paradise. This is aided by the acceptance of information from benign personalities.     Ch.2 Our Awakening to Reality   Our awakening begins, with enlightenment on, the mental wars of deceit, and the emotional wars of suppression, raging around and within us, the spiritual world wars that we have been born into. You are not always told the truth for the sake of the truth. Some people want to obscure your perception; others want to crush your spirit. Some private interests will adopt intellectual or emotional warfare against the public while fronting a cover purpose of enlightenment or and well wishing.   When you discover them you will need a strategy to meet in battle those who seek to deceive you, and those who seek to scare or subdue you, your group/nation. The coming parts in this series seek to give you the intellectual framework to deal with both intellectual and emotional warfare. Ch. 3 A Warning to My Younger Self Don’t Withhold Your Voice Because “For Want of   A Word Paradise Was Lost”   Decision makers with all the facts and opinions are in a better position than decision makers without all the facts and opinions. So offer your facts and opinions to the policy forming body, or risk it making worse decisions because of your lack of input. The lack of participation of honest wise men with good intentions, within the evaluation chamber, can lead to necessary information being absent leading to confusion and disaster. Decisions made with good information tend to be good. Decisions made with bad information tend to cause chaos. If you have information that can aid decision makers that they don’t, then you should volunteer it. If you don’t volunteer it, leaders are in danger of making ill informed decisions, because of their ignorance, of the information you are withholding. A subsequent bad decision by them may cause the group they p lead, and other groups –such as those that follow them or which depend upon their success into trouble. So share your conclusions, their supporting reasons and the degree of confidence you have, in both. Do not as a habit withhold your opinions for fear of leading others astray. a superior mentality is to trust that the evaluators have sufficient rational ability and so willingly offer your insight or opinions without fear. If you have had to endure bad leadership in the past, that devalued your input, this may require considerable more effort; but you must try to remember that not every organisational leadership is dysfunctional. And the complete withholding of relevant information by an individual is much more problematic to a group’s leadership than the sharing of that information with whatever caveats or margins of error are necessary. The opportunity to reject the opinion is preferable to being blindsided, and thus without the ability to incorporate the enlightened perspective your information would give them, into the decision making process.   Do not as a habit; withhold your opinions because you think they will occur to the decision makers or others who will share that info. Different things will seem pressing to others and knowledge × agendas × communication opportunities are unique. Make sure that you share them.  This makes you a leader. To discharge your responsibility to your fellow man not to leave him in the dark is ethical and the act of enlightenment is the act of leadership. In summary you should have faith in the decision making body’s ability to: assess for themselves what information is relevant, what weight they should put on it, and which to believe where there is conflicting data. The responsibility for assessing the quality of information belongs to the evaluators and it’s unlikely that those in that position would have the job if they didn’t have the skills to do it well...   Unlikely but not impossible which leads us to consider the problem of poor evaluating capacity meeting poor quality information, presented next. And to God in Genesis chapter 2   “GENESIS 2:13 And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.” Ch4 Abused In Paradise the 4 Types of Abuse Intellectual emotional Social physical Ch. 4:1Intellectual abuse Intellectual abuse would be to take people’s minds: from clarity to confusion, from being informed to being misinformed , from having access to not having access to knowledge - via ancient Rome’s accidental destruction of Egypt’s ancient  library of Alexandria for instance.   Emotional abuse When emotions meant to be used  as quick guides to action in our best interest based on previously learned or innate values and accurate c a info are misled with wrong c a or wrong learned values   Focus on the good Focus on n the best Focus never on  the bad both good and bad   God is said to be Holding thm back to retain exclusive access to a precious resource,  truth about good and evil /Factually accurate information By giving them factually  Inaccurate information Results in their This deceit leads to them being emotionaly misaligned /abused Attracted to formerly correctly feared action Fearful of formerly  and correctly attractive action   Suggests thoughts are not just thoughts but shapers of reality   And faith is not just faith but a shaper of a path for God s action. God wants my intense and enduring paradise   Intellectually Emotionally Socially Physically Believing it allows him to manifest it and stops you from sabotaging it and even prompts you to look for it welcome it invite it and work for it with the energy born of divine sanction and effect the defending d and protection of it for yourself and  your friends.. It is a true science that the seed of faith leads to the fruition of that faith in reality via human psychology even before adding supernatural considerations Ch. 4:2 Social abuse Social abuse would be to tattack someone's social Status to take someone from being respected and loved to having a tarnished reputation and being socially isolated for example. Even if they are trustworthy ,this can be done by using intellectual abuse on those around them, deceiving those around them until you have degraded their estimation of the actions and intentions of the target of your social abuse until those in your targets social environment become excessively mistrusting and hostile towards them. Thus we enter the realm of presentation wars.     This very thing happened to God!  The man and woman he had created became excessively mistrusting and hostile towards what he had said suspicious of his intentions and therefore disobedient towards Him. When God returns, after they’ve erred, he has a “what on earth happened” exclamation.   a continued theme of the bible is God deliberately loses the presentation war to see what depth the trust in mans heart has sunk to and if it can be easily uprooted by tricky surface presentation. Obscuring The true and hidden nature of the world his all powerful benevolent attitude toward each person he created   Spouses and partners are often faced with such situations Don't try this often as a rule of life because if God is widely mistrusted you should expect to be more so. Abstain from the appearance of evil Fight for appropriate presentation. Ch. 4:3 Altering Gods Social Status! In the Garden of Eden account God was socially abused, his reputation tarnished, and Eve’s respect for him was effectively destroyed by the Serpent; Eve was being intellectually abused by the Serpent Pushed: from clarity to confusion, from being properly informed to being deceived. The couple were subsequently physically debilitated in many ways, not least by being kicked out of Eden. This may have been the Serpents’ sadistic aim all along. Bru hahahahaha   The slandering that happened back then to God, in Eden still continues. It has also happened to me… and many others throughout history. You yourself and groups of which you are a part may have had serpentine like people attempt to alter your social status by talking to others about you. And individuals groups or even entire nations may be subject to more sophisticated methods of character assassination such as practical “trip ups” think the Japanese and pearl harbour     Ch. 4:4 The sin of silence Adam could be criticised for not vigorously opposing God’s character assassination when he had the power to stop it. I think it was a test a practical set up at the divine level, God hoped Adam would speak up for him and defend his character, but he didn’t. However it was not just the reputation of God that suffered, through his omission, Adam also ultimately lost out. Similarly our failure to defend those who need it often comes back to bite us. As noted in the lines of a Nazi war poem - first they came for the trade unionists but I wasn’t a trade unionist     Ch. 4:5 Our Spiritual duty So one lesson in Genesis is we must fight against intellectual abuse from bad sources and in this way also stop much social abuse of innocent persons and thus also prevent people from being tricked into voluntarily engaging in self-harm such as self-physical abuse which is often the final cascade of the intellectual abuse that is orchestrated by the serpentine slandering of friendly truth tellers and the salvific truth they have spoken. We all have a duty to speak up for salvific truth and them that speak it.    We will have many opportunities in our lives to speak up for the truth that leads its hearers to success, and defend its truth speakers against slanderous accusations of deceit. If we are unsuccessful at beneficial persuasion we can at least lead our lives in accordance with the truth as we see it.   So it appears that the astute leadership of self and others around us especially on life or death decisions is revealed by Moses as one of  the primary duties of man; but because it’s not explicitly stated we often fail to perceive it, and so do not apply ourselves to learning to be skilled at it and so even when we circumstantially perceive its need we may not be able to or even be sure it’s our responsibility to execute a persuasion strategy with the necessary degree of passion and intelligence to achieve the proper outcome/shift in the groups perspective.   When this understanding dawns upon you or when the time comes and you decide to step up to stop the intellectual abuse around you, possibly because you suspect the socially or intellectually abused person is yourself; a fast way to bring enlightenment to whoever is deceived is for them to engage in even analysis of both sides of the argument, in depth and detail and use targeted questioning to fill in any gaps in knowledge needing to be filled in order to come to a conclusion. Ch. 5 Fights with Evil Are Sometimes Big Information Battles   The discovery of the enlightened generation of today can in the future solidify into an unchanging dogma, or worse over time their heirs position may lose touch with the correct understanding of the founding fathers documents and so depart from the intent and the genius of their founding fathers ideas . decay via misunderstanding of the original concepts into an intellectually retarded and retarding dogma of tomorrow, which is an even worse position than plain vacuousness. For example an ancient tongue in cheek/sarcastic or otherwise slanted phrase read strait by a modern leader or devotee could lead them to enforce or carry out an idea or practice which is the exact opposite to the one their founder intended.   Such frozen or even decayed dogma exists, with its adherents therefore opposed to the advance of truth; and possibly accidentally truth as previously understood by their founders. Furthermore the overzealous among them may even stoop to deliberately obscuring man’s understanding, hiding data and logic that goes against them to defend and allow the increase of others misunderstandings that support their position. They may even generate or knowingly promote falsehoods. Thus knowingly and not just through ignorance or neglect, they may increase mental darkness, in their fight for social domination.   Such have been transformed into active intellectual abusers, like the serpent before them. Their mouths have been possessed by the ancient spirit or attitude of Satan as was the serpent! They have become cold blooded killers of “correct perception” with the “mind decaying poison” spewed from their mouths into gullible minds which thus seeps into and poisons the hearer’s hearts if their intellectual immune system is not strong enough to identify and reject it before it gets this far it. This is why the easily led/gullible should be kept from leadership because “persuasive mouth pieces” animated by the “spirit of darkness” are present in every age and human society of earth. Thus throughout our history they are a very real threat to the happiness and even lives of the intellectually weak individuals, and groups they lead. Deceivers target those who have leaders gullible enough to be possessed by their erroneous doctrine. So each new  generation has to learn or be taught the truth within the ancient myths: The unchanging spiritual nature of the world including both the intellectual struggle of truth vs. lies, and the connected emotional war of misdirected benevolence and misdirected hateful spiritedness directed either through us as we let them, or are overpowered/out-manoeuvred (such as in the case of Eve/Adam who were intellectually overpowered and outmanoeuvred) by them or at us by those in their thrall in the case of man against god .   A group whose philosophical or religious’ foundational thinkers and their ideas were once opposed because of the newness of their insight,  may end up as a group persecuting the further enlightened thinkers of the generation to come. Those who know less routinely fight those who know more, the enlightenment of the past fights the enlightenment of the present, maybe due to pride: mans need for significance, and reluctance to change.   Thus it becomes clear that in society might is not always right. The wisdom of God/best information is not always with those currently in power.  If and when swords are drawn, evil has generally won a substantial victory in the hearts and minds of some. Certainly it is not true philosophy that is passed on via fear. And so a group that resorts to the sword or the threat of physical violence is protecting and projecting material and emotional power as opposed to intellectual supremacy. Ch. 6 Some Questions To Ask   How much hate chills your heart? How much hate is coercing your physical acquiescence?   How much error or ignorance darkens your mind? How much error or ignorance is coercing your physical acquiescence?   How much of your error or ignorance has clouded the mind-sight of others How much of your error or ignorance has coerced their physical acquiescence?   How much has your hate chilled the hearts of others? How much has your hate coerced their physical acquiescence?   How much has your indifference impacted the wellbeing of others; emotional intellectual social and physical?   How much has your error or ignorance impacted the wellbeing of others, emotionally intellectually socially and physically?   The Ignorance, error, hate and indifference of those in power and the intergenerational passage of these bads causes misery in Britain as elsewhere and at other times such as the kingdom of Ahab in ancient Israel.     Ch. 6:2 the death of the righteous via state by false testimony   The king Ahab lusts after the property of his neighbour 1 Kings ch21 2 And Ahab spake unto Naboth, saying, Give me thy vineyard, that I may have it for a garden of herbs, because it is near unto my house: and I will give thee for it a better vineyard than it; or, if it seem good to thee, I will give thee the worth of it in money. 3 And Naboth said to Ahab, The Lord forbid it me, that I should give the inheritance of my fathers unto thee. This depresses the king and so the kings’ wife jezebel puffed up with pride uses her social status to organise Naboths murder via false testimony exuding hate towards justice, indifference to her citizens, promoting error in court, via socially/physically coercing the local nobles to ignobility which leads his fellow citizens to kill him due to their ignorance of the fact he is a victim of lies manufactured by their political elite   “9 And she wrote in the letters, saying, Proclaim a fast, and set Naboth on high among the people: 10 And set two men, sons of Belial, before him, to bear witness against him, saying, Thou didst blaspheme God and the king. And then carry him out, and stone him, that he may die.” Thist is duly carried out by the locals “ 11 And the men of his city, even the elders and the nobles who were the inhabitants in his city, did as Jezebel had sent unto them, and as it was written in the letters which she had sent unto them. 12 They proclaimed a fast, and set Naboth on high among the people. 13 And there came in two men, children of Belial, and sat before him: and the men of Belial witnessed against him, even against Naboth, in the presence of the people, saying, Naboth did blaspheme God and the king. Then they carried him forth out of the city, and stoned him with stones, that he died.”     Though god via a prophet promises to personally execute judgement on Ahab and Jezebel, removing him and his family for this abuse of power. Divine intervention when human justice and power goes askew is a regular theme of the Old Testament. False testimony in open court is murder via the power of the state where due process is still functioning as it was here, false testimony in secret may be enough where totalitarianism has taken over, and false testimony may be unnecessary altogether where the motivation of the hit man or hit-team is high enough to override their sense of fair play, the motivation may be a sizeable sum of money or their own inner prejudice against the group identity of the victim such as race or caste. Something of this was in operation in the racially motivated  lynchings in post reconstruction America, the opportunity for violence offering a cathartic release, of fear and rage, against the rising up of the formerly downtrodden, as valuable to them as a sizeable sum of money. A jailer is also an obstacle to your release as is a witness to your crime who threatens to accurately testify against you damaging your reputation and threatening punishment. My enemies have used the strategy of implicating neutral or allied parties in sins against me with them so binding them into silence and a pact of preventing me from discovering and neutralising my enemy now fearing my grasping the extent of the activities of my enemy as they have become partly responsible. And it feels as if they are creating new and trying to catch me or trip me into good faith activity that that carries a criminal penalty if evil intended and then ascribe evil intent overlooking my actual history of good character free of criminal planning or acts. This is not new it happened to Daniel who was then famously cast into the den of lions by a reluctant king and saved by an angel of god. Ch.7 What Bads or Goods Are Intergenerationally Passed Down Enmasse in Your Culture? Ch. 7:1 The Wisdom of Nations Nations and the groups within them have wisdom embedded in their culture depending on the historical lessons of the nation, or group. Each nation or group’s accumulated wisdom set likely includes subroutines to ameliorate some of the bluntness of the broader sweeps of national doctrine, This means a culture that has a superficial sexual straight jacket probably has secondary subroutines to allow the sexual energy of its constituents to be harmlessly/less harmlessly channelled, A stranger coming to the society from a more honest frank country may find the first but struggle to see the second,   The mixing of outsiders of the nation, or group with the natives takes time, but the second generation grows up with the cultural wisdom embedded to some extent, the cultural mores are always being updated and are more easily updated in part by someone who is aware and abides by most of the others.  As they can weave the modifications into the cultural fabric more acceptably. Ch. 7:2 The Spiral Of Losses Of The Coerced Coercion forces emotional loss due to - disruption of the link between beliefs about the rightness of the action with the action taken. - because of any loss accurately predicted by your contradicted values   Intellectual contradiction (being forced to violate your principles) can lead to social self-devaluing. And the devaluing by others who share these values and feel disheartened, betrayed or detest the display of weakness intellectual, social, physical or emotional. This failing yourself or failing others - if either judgement is harsh and their esteem valued creates further emotional loss.   And possibly physical social or other loss because of their or your corresponding negative action towards yourself, such as retraction of good or even physical punishment by your former allies, this lastly leaves you vulnerable to attack by opportunistic enemies and previously neutral but hungry/unethical parties sensing your weak position, as at this time you and your allies become less strongly aligned with fighting for your wellbeing/maintaining your possessions, resulting in further emotional loss because of any loss sustained by things seized by them at this time.   You are only my ally as long as you are usefully aligned with my purpose         Ch. 7: 3 Intellectual Degradation Intellectual degradation can result from the temptation to engage in intellectually allowing what is truly an illogical but habitual error – to give internal peace. If you cannot change your action to match your beliefs it’s possible by a baseless deformation of internal belief structure to change your beliefs to match forced action creating a misguided peace.   Ch. 7:4 The Pursuit Of Biological Satisfaction But our biological drives which form habits are often necessary for life or its progression to the next generation so we should not feel bad about not being able to stop breathing, eating drinking etc. being forced to pay a guilt tax on the desire to engage in sex with other bodies that have reached adulthood could be a passport to a priesthoods riches, similar to the profit of businesses supplying or facilitating the same or, the wealth of the prison industrial complex if it were criminalised, or the wealth of the newly created mob bosses of the underground-market, or the growth of the wealth of the public purse if facilitation is then made legal regulated and taxed.   Ch. 7:5 Preparedness to Suffer Allows Sovereignty The ability to suffer the ability to: repel, disable or stop, block or shield, lighten or escape from coercion to physical being allows sovereignty of decision making.   Ch. 7:6 Motivational Disablement of Coercive Forces Upgrade your coercive attacker’s ideological framework, which is underpinning their action, exposing faults in it and providing a new/ truer ideological structure.   Ch. 8 The 3 Dimensions Of Human Activity Social Physical Intellectual And Man’s Three Dimensions for Interaction with Them             Our main tool for interacting with the Intellectual dimension of knowledge is the mind which is aided by the body.   Our main tool for interacting with the Physical dimension of matter is the body which is aided by the mind.   Our main tools for interacting with the Social dimension of our social networks are languages expressed by the mind through the body directly and via transmission mediums (air and light) possibly using artefacts like megaphones or spotlights we might use to enhance our signalling or receiving. Artefacts help us harness air and light etc. to send and receive messages to one another and code and decode them more efficiently then we are able with our bodies alone.   It’s interesting to note that our social lives would be nigh impossible without the surrounding air and light needed for vocal and visual transmission. Our and other animals’ native signal sending and receiving hardware and software is exquisitely calibrated to operate best in the precise nature of the physical media in which they live their lives. Darkness and airlessness would make social life very difficult for man, but not the differently calibrated wales or dolphins.   Some of our language systems are conscious others are largely unconscious: Largely unconscious communication language systems include sexual communication via pheromones and body language which can be made more conscious by study. Written communication is mostly conscious though there are subconscious factors even here exploited by the advertising professions copywriters, hypnotists etc.     Ch. 9 A Light Lords Call To Arms Mind Expanding Questions Check List What problem will you seek to solve? What problem will you solve? What realm of darkness will you seek to enlighten? What realm of darkness will you battle? What part of the dark realm will you seek to bring light to?  Who are the light lords currently labouring in your field? Who are the light lords working in neighbouring fields? There may be overlap Who are the light lords that have laid the rock of your operations so far? Who are the light lords that have built the most impressive towers and street lamp systems on your subject territory? Who are the light lords that chipped away without seeing much success in their labour but showed great dedication to the cause nonetheless? What enlightenment movement will you create?  What truth will you champion? What difference will you make?  How many will you bring light to? How many will the light you bring forth bless? How greatly will the light you bring forth bless those whom it reaches, a lot or a little? How many great disciples of light will you train up to carry on your work?  How many years will your disciples work for your cause? How much of the darkness you are fighting will you roll back as a percent of the global? darkness on your subject? Will you completely remove the darkness on your subject matter will you have Galileo level impact? How many subject matters will you enlighten your circle of influence about? How large is your circle of influence?   What is the quantifiable benefit gained via all of the enlightenment you have delivered? What is the monetary saving of all the enlightenment you have delivered? What is the effort saved via all of the enlightenment you have delivered in man hours?   What is the number of extra years of life you have enabled by the enlightenment you have delivered? What is the number of extra healthy/ harm free years you have created by the enlightenment you have delivered? What is the number of lives you have saved from disaster by the enlightenment you have disbursed? What is your personal score? What is the score of you and your team?  What is the score of your team after you have departed? What is the score of the 2nd generation of disciples after your first team has departed? etc. etc.  when do your enlightenment movement followers become a hindrance to new or old waves of light?   How much darkness will those who are named after your movement create in subsequent generations?                          

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